Civiltà del Lavoro, n. 2/2015 - page 54

Piazzale Flaminio, 19
00196 Roma
tel. 06 86200203
Il tuo brand.
Va in scena.
Ogni brand è come un film. Ci vuole passione per raccontarlo, ma anche un
buon soggetto, un’ottima sceneggiatura e una regia sapiente. Crea Identity
è il partner che ti aiuta a «mettere in scena» il tuo brand, per valorizzare il tuo
potenziale. Attraverso il potere del racconto.
After amonth or so inTheEternalCity, it came tomymindwhatGoethewrote about
Naples in his “Viaggio in Italia”: «I seem to be a completely different person whom I
hardly recognise.Yesterday I thought to myself:Either you were mad before, or you are
mad now.» Since my arrival here everything stunned me with its beauty, history, and
unique style:Rome ismarvelous, its very soul gives colours to your dreams and desires.We
are now located into a magic place,CampoMarzio, amongRome’s most beautiful and
elegant districts: here I really understood the meaning of the “Italian lifestyle”. It’s
impossible to describe in oneword the life and atmosphere of this unique part of the city:
it is pure vitality, energy, brightness, industriousness; perhaps this is the heritage of its
ancient history, you wouldn’t believe that once upon a time a wealthy roman harbor was
located here, I’m sure what you can feel has to be its “genius loci”. You should see its
people, and most than all the amazing shops which dwell along its streets, mythical
places, custodian of great traditions. Among them all I fell in love with a unique
“Bottega Artigianale”: I found the very temple of the craft of writing, an exclusive
mix of craftsmanship and style with a long history, almost a century of style. Its
products, its amazing colours showed me that elegance can be fun, that originality is
personality. As you know, my dear, I went here on a business trip, but never my work
has been so enjoyable as during these weeks in Rome: here I found that business is
fashion, that style and usefulness can be one and the same. In Campo Marzio you can
really touch your colour, the one hidden inside your soul. Here you can clearly feel a
need for liberty and self statement, the very feeling of your uniqueness. Campo Marzio
ismore than elegance, it is the shape of an inimitable identity, it is a storymade bymany
stories, like a book full of tales… here you know that you’ll be finally able to write
your story. My dear, here in Campo Marzio I can really say with that poet "Live
well! Laugh often! Love much!“. Because now I know why this place has changed me
forever: here you can find the signature of your style.After amonth or so inTheEternal
City, it came to my mindwhatGoethewrote aboutNaples in his “Viaggio in Italia”:
«I seem to be a completely different person whom I hardly recognise.Yesterday I thought
to myself: Either you were mad before, or you are mad now.» After a month or so in
TheEternalCity, it came tomymindwhatGoethewrote aboutNaples in his “Viaggio
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Life in evolution
Design your story
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